Lars Offerdahl

Lars Offerdahl

Lars has been in the trucking industry his whole working life. He started working in the shop when he was just 16 years old. After attending Chippewa Valley Technical College in Eau Claire, Wisconsin and earning his marketing degree, he started working in operations. Lars spent about 10 years in operations before moving to driver recruiting. He spent five years in recruiting before joining the ATS team as the vice president of driver recruiting. He loves the challenge driver recruiting presents; no day is ever the same. Changing a driver’s life by offering them a great opportunity is what keeps him going.

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Lars Offerdahl
By Lars Offerdahl
on July 26, 2024
Can you believe we’re already halfway through the year? Before we know it, pumpkins will be in all the stores and “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas” will be playing through every store’s ...