Jeff Lillibridge

Jeff has been helping companies move their LTL shipments since 2013 when he started his career as a freight broker. In 2020, Jeff accepted a job at ATS Logistics where he worked as a carrier representative before transitioning into sales. In May 2021, Jeff's hard work and relationship development skills earned him a promotion to sales team manager (the role he holds today). Over his more than 10 years in logistics, Jeff has helped hundreds of companies maximize their transportation supply chains and deliver for their customers. While there are many things Jeff enjoys about his job, helping those around him succeed (his sales team, his operations colleagues and his customers) is most rewarding.
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The Pros and Cons of Using a Freight Brokerage to Ship Your LTL Freight

Posted by Jeff Lillibridge on May 8, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Shipping less-than-truckload (LTL) freight can be kind of nerve-wracking. There are a lot of variables at play every time your LTL freight is ready to move. 

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