[Podcast] Let's Talk Asset-Based Trucking Companies (Crucial Considerations When Working With Them and The Pros & Cons of Doing So)

Making the best transportation provider selection decision for your business will take more than a basic understanding of your options. 

Selecting a single great transportation company can be challenging. Filling your network with them can feel next to impossible. 

Choosing a company based on a single metric or quality alone won’t make this any easier. And, with so much at stake for your business and customers, you can’t afford to make too many wrong choices. 

Still. . . there are a lot of options to choose from. Using a network of strictly asset-based carriers can be an excellent way to secure reliable capacity.  

However, at other times, these companies may miss the mark, unable to provide a solution at the same price point as another type of provider due to the strict realities they face.

In this episode of Beyond The Road, let’s speak to a longtime transportation-industry professional who will explain the advantages and disadvantages of working with strictly asset-based carriers so you can decide which role these transportation companies will play in your network going forward.

Information Covered in This Episode:

  • Topic Intro
  • Meet Justin Werner
  • What is a Strictly Asset-Based Carrier?
  • Is Long Haul Trucking Going Away?
  • What Are The Downsides of Using Asset Carriers?
  • What are The Upsides of Using Asset-Based Carriers?
  • Wrap-Up Question: How Would Justin Fill His Network?

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Tags: Asset-Based Carrier, Podcast

Justin Werner

Written by Justin Werner

Justin has been with ATS for over 13 years in varying roles. Following a five-year stint as Customer Service Representative with ATS Specialized, Justin began managing various sales and customer services teams where he prioritized putting the needs of customers first, day in and out. Today, as the Director of Regional Accounts & US/Mexico Operations for ATS Specialized, Justin's commitment to maintaining strong customer and professional relationships has only grown as he looks to provide a truly invaluable service at the highest possible level.

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