[Video] 3 Ways to Save Money on Your Flatbed Freight Rates

Flatbed freight pricing is pretty complex; a lot of factors dictate the going cost of flatbed transportation services. Many of these factors are out of your control. That's why, as a flatbed shipper, it's crucial to control the things you can. 

In this video, you'll learn three easy-to-control ways to save money on your flatbed freight shipments. And, if you incorporate these tactics into your supply chain, you'll flourish well into the future. 

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Tags: Flatbed Shipping, Specialized Flatbed Shipping, Contract Rate Pricing, Spot Rate Pricing

Tyler Turn

Written by Tyler Turn

Tyler started his career with ATS in January 2016 when he was hired as a national sales representative with ATS Logistics. A little over 9 months later, Tyler transitioned over to ATS Specialized where he held various positions and at one time managed ATS' facility in Cold Spring, Minnesota. Today, Tyler is the corporate sales and service manager for ATS Specialized where he enjoys working with his team to provide customer solutions that also fit the needs of ATS' open-deck drivers.

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