[Video] The Top 5 Common Problems With Freight Brokers (+ Solutions)

Not all freight brokers are created equal. Some of the brokerages across the U.S. simply aren't reliable. These brokers continually fall through, disappoint and over-charge their customers. Brokerages with these procedures give the entire business a bad name and make good companies, like yours, leary of partnering with one.

It doesn't have to be this way.

In this video, Eric will break down the top 5 common problems people run into when working with bad brokers and supply the solutions to each issue. At its conclusion, this video will leave you with a far clearer picture of how you can avoid partnering with an unreliable brokerage in the future.

Problem #1: Lack of Communication - 0:52

Problem #2: Insufficient Quality of Service - 1:45

Problem #3: Inability to Stand By Quoted Price - 2:52

Problem #4: Accountability Issues - 3:32

Problem #5: No "Guaranteed Capacity" In Freight Brokerage - 4:14

Want more freight brokerage related content? Check out some of these blogs:

Eric Metso

Written by Eric Metso

Eric has been a sales manager with ATS Logistics since 2018 — when he helped create a new sales team from scratch. In his role, he supports his team as they develop their book of business and create new partnerships. Eric joined ATS in 2013 as a sales representative for ATS Logistics. He was also a sales member with ATS’ Vans division before coming back to ATS Logistics in his current role.

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