[Video] Common Freight Accessorial Charges and How to Avoid Them

Accessorial fees are all over in the trucking industry. Surcharges like detention, layover, truck order not used, driver assist and tarping can certainly add up over time. 

As your company works to maximize its transportation dollars in the coming months, think about ways you can cut down on these expenses. This is a great way to save money, however, few companies make it a priority.

In this video, you'll learn about five of the most common accessorials in the transportation industry today and a few tips for avoiding them entirely. 

While you're here, check out some of this cost-saving content:

Tags: Spot Rate Pricing, Accessorial Charges


Written by ATS

Family-owned since 1955, Anderson Trucking Service (ATS) is a values-driven company offering worldwide transportation solutions.

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