[Video] How Do Carriers Become More Green?

As a company with sustainability goals, it's important that you hold to this standard in all areas of your business. 

As transportation becomes a bigger piece of your supply chain, you'll want to ensure the carriers you also take sustainable practices seriously. That said, their transportation network isn't usually the first place companies look to for improving their footprint, and we don't blame them. 

The transportation industry is a huge contributor to global emissions, burning hundreds of thousands of gallons of diesel fuel every day. However, there are plenty of things transportation providers can do to promote efficiency within their fleets. In this video, you'll learn four of the most impactful steps carriers can take to reduce the emissions of their trucks. 

These are the transportation companies you will want to work with.

Read the Article: What is a SmartWay Certification?

Listen to the Podcast: Sustainability in Your Supply Chain: a Conversation on SmartWay Certifications

Tags: Asset-Based Carrier, Carrier Network, Supply Chain Tips

Josh Rivers

Written by Josh Rivers

Josh has been with ATS for over six years, in a number of positions. Today, as an ATS Logistics sales team manager, Josh enjoys helping his team of sales representatives develop the skills their customers need and creating a culture of excellence within a group of talented transportation experts.

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