[Video] How Do Global Supply Chain Disruptions Impact International Shipping?

In a global society like ours, where supply chains, economies and business activities are intimately connected between nations, world events indiscriminately affect everyone.

This rule applies, perhaps most impactfully, to international freight movement which can quickly be disrupted in the wake of major events.

And, when things out of our control like inter-country conflicts, global pandemics, international labor shortages and natural disasters occur, it's important that you understand what to reasonably expect for your cargo and from your provider(s).

In this video, Carl will outline how international events impact freight movement on a global scale and give you some insights into what you can anticipate when they, inevitably, do.

Video Chapters:

  • 0:00 Global Supply Chain Disruption introduction
  • 0:43 Carl with Anderson Trucking Service 
  • 0:56 How do supply chain disruptions affect you?
  • 1:20 How do supply chain disruptions affect your freight?
  • 1:56 What happens if my freight is discharged?
  • 2:10 What happens if my freight is re-routed?
  • 2:55 Global shipping facts
  • 3:09 Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach
  • 3:34 Suez Canal block in 2021
  • 3:48 Global supply chain disruptions summary
  • 4:18 Free resources

Learn more about the intricacies of international transportation with these resources:

Tags: International Shipping, International Shipping Documentation, ATS International

Carl Verdon

Written by Carl Verdon

Carl has been working for ATS International, in various capacities, for more than 13 years. During this time, Carl's dedication to maintaining industry-leading service levels has helped customers move cargos around the world and back again... hundreds of times over. Today, as a customer service and sales manager, Carl enjoys the unique challenge that each international shipment presents as he works with his team to promote the ATS name on a global scale.

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