[Video] How Many Miles Can a Truck Driver Drive in a Day?

The total number of miles a trucker can drive in one day is subject to a specific set of rules and regulations.

That said, understanding these regulations is important to making the most of your transportation budget and cutting out costly delays.

In this video, Andrew B. discusses everything you need to know about how far a truck driver can drive in one day and what you can do to make the most of your transportation dollars.

Even though you can't control the rules that govern a trucker's on-duty service hours, there are several things you can control. Let's talk about each of them.

Read more about how a trucker's hours of service (HOS) are determined and how they may impact your supply chain:  https://www.atsinc.com/blog/hours-of-service-truck-drivers 

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Andrew Beckmann

Written by Andrew Beckmann

Andrew has been in operations since he started as an intern at ATS in 2012. He’s been managing operations teams since 2015 and now focuses on supporting the logistics offices outside of the St. Cloud, Minnesota corporate office.

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