Although there are a lot of factors influencing the final price you pay to move your cargoes, how efficient you are with loading and offloading times can impact your bottom line more significantly than others.
If we've learned anything over the past 65 years in the trucking industry here at ATS, it's this: the more your freight helps truck drivers maintain their hours of service, the better off you'll be in the long run.
In this video, Brandon will outline the crucial role loading times play in appealing to trucking companies and their drivers.
Additionally, we'll give you some tips for taking your budget further by improving your load-time efficiency.
Video Chapters:
- 0:00 What will you learn in this video?
- 1:09 Why do loading times matter?
- 2:09 How do loading times impact shipping price?
- 4:02 4 ways to avoid paying more.
- 7:26 What are your next steps?
Additional Pieces of Content: