[Video] Shipping Freight To and From Mexico: What you should know

Cross-border shipping to and from Mexico by truck can feel like an intimidating undertaking. With multiple options for getting your freight over the border and plenty of documents to remember, without proper planning, things could go wrong.

In this video, Jerry will outline the most important aspects of the cross-border shipping to Mexico process. This includes what role your customs broker will play and how you can ensure a successful transit.

Video Chapters: 

  • 0:00 What will I learn in this video? 
  • 1:09 How many drivers will your freight need? 
  • 1:30 What cross-border services are available? 
  • 1:42 What is through-trailer service?
  • 2:39 What is transload service? 
  • 3:37 What else should I know about shipping to Mexico? 
  • 4:33 Outro

Related Content Pieces:

Tags: International Shipping, International Shipping Documentation, Customs Clearance

Jerry Ramirez

Written by Jerry Ramirez

Jerry joined ATS in 2003 and has served in various roles over the years, including time as a customer service manager in ATS’ Vans division. Now as an operations manager with ATS Logistics, Jerry works to develop employees and grow relationships with customers, focusing primarily on the specialized and heavy haul side of the business.

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