[Video] What is Roll-On/Roll-Off (Ro/Ro) Shipping?

Using a roll-on/roll-off marine vessel has become an increasingly common tactic for companies with freight to ship around the world. These vessels provide an adequate solution for self-propelled cargo (that can be driven on/off of them) as well as larger items that can be settled on a Mafi trailer for transport. 

In this video, you'll learn what ro/ro shipping is and what kinds of cargo it's used to ship. 

Looking for a more in-depth overview of ro/ro transportation? Read "What is Roll-On/Roll-Off (Ro/Ro) Transportation?" next. 

While you're here, check out these related resources:

Tags: International Shipping, Shipping Services

Andrew Pearson

Written by Andrew Pearson

International Sales Representative, Andrew Pearson started his journey with ATS International in May 2022. Although he's relatively new to the international transportation marketplace, Andrew's analytic, interpersonal and problem-solving skills have made his time within it successful. Today, Andrew enjoys the fresh challenge each day at ATS International brings and values the relationships he's built with clients, vendors and coworkers above all.

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