[Video] What To Expect From Your Freight Brokerage When Something Goes Wrong

Working with a freight brokerage might come with some worries. What if something goes wrong? What if the truck breaks down? Will my load still make it? How will my freight broker help me?

Cory, from Anderson Trucking Service, is here to chat with us about freight brokerages and what you should expect from them when something goes wrong.

Your Next Step:

If you're ready to evaluate your freight broker — or begin working with a new one — download our Freight Brokerage Selection Checklist to find a broker that fits your needs.

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Tags: Freight Brokerage

Cory Link

Written by Cory Link

Cory joined ATS in the summer of 2012 and since that time has been able to find success in various positions. From managing the Cold Spring Terminal to overseeing the Customer Service Department on the Specialized side, Cory brings value to all of the roles he occupies. Cory joined ATS Logistics in July of 2018, opening our Denver, Colo. regional office. Today, Cory manages a group of National Sales Representatives as he works to educate his team and assist his customers as they both work to reach their goals.

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