[Video] 3 Disadvantages of Using Asset-Based Carriers

There are pros and cons to working with any type of transportation provider. Asset carriers, companies that own and operate a fleet of trucks and trailers, are no exception. 

Due to the strict realities these businesses face, they face a set of specific constraints that any shipper should be aware of. In this video, we'll go over three of the more common "cons" of working with asset carriers. 

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Tags: Transportation Solutions, Asset-Based Carrier, Carrier Network

Eric Metso

Written by Eric Metso

Eric has been a sales manager with ATS Logistics since 2018 — when he helped create a new sales team from scratch. In his role, he supports his team as they develop their book of business and create new partnerships. Eric joined ATS in 2013 as a sales representative for ATS Logistics. He was also a sales member with ATS’ Vans division before coming back to ATS Logistics in his current role.

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